Saturday, June 14, 2008

peeing in the woods

So I am sitting here in an internet cafe in Anchorage and remembering a conversation that I had with my fellow researchers a few weeks ago in Revelstoke BC. For obvious reasons that will become apparent, I was contemplating about peeing in the woods and bears and related my personal insights to Theresa, Heather and Chris. I was curious if they ever thought about having a bear appear while "engaged" in the woods. Personally, I have this, shall we say minor, fear about having a bear appear when I am in a somewhat vulnerable position (although not as vulnerable as it could be...). My fear is not so much about being attacked per se, but rather the effect of such an encounter. In other words, my fear is more of the fact that because the bear would appear at the precise moment that he/she does, the net effect would be that as I turned away or backed up etc., there would be a high probability that I would pee on my own clothing and as such it would look like I was scared by the bear so bad that I pee'd myself which would not be an accurate statement; this would really be a coincidence based on timing rather than cause by extreme fear!!! But, I doubt that most (my friends especially Brian, Chris, Westy and Kristiaan, and Ev) would laugh at me and accuse of being extremely scared by the bear. This is a recurring thought I certain times of course.... and it worries me a little. I guess I just hope the bear has better timing and is considerate of my desire to be thought of as an "outdoors"kinda guy and doesn't ruin my chances!


S.J.Ayla said...
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Unknown said...

I'd laugh at you too, Hindo... :-P